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Board of Directors Position Descriptions - (click on position title to see more information)

President - The President provides overall leadership and guidance for the Club.  He/she shall act as Chair of all Club Board and General meetings and is an ex-officio or regular member of all Club Committees.  In his/her absence, the Vice-president will fill this duty.

Vice President - The Vice-President assists the President and Executive as requested. Assumes President office if the President is absent or unable to complete the term.   The Vice-President facilitates registration of all skaters to the Club and with Skate Canada, ensures Club records are maintained and represents the Club at the annual Ice User’s meetings. 

Treasurer - The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe control of all club funds, for preparing and submitting to the Board of Directors on a regular basis an annual budget and keeping such records as are required for financial review. The Treasurer is also responsible for arranging for an unaudited annual financial statement. Any two of the President, the Vice-president and the Treasurer shall sign all Club cheques and legal documents.

Secretary - The Secretary shall deal with all correspondence subject to the approval of the President or his/her delegate, shall issue all notices for Board of Directors and general meetings, shall take minutes at all meetings, shall distribute meeting agendas and minutes, is responsible for all Club Skate Canada sanctions, and shall be responsible for submitting to Skate Canada and the Section such reports as are required by Skate Canada rules and other regulations.

Facilities Chair - The Facilities chair is the Club’s interface to the City of Yellowknife and the facility staff at the arenas.  The chair books and cancels all ice times and other facilities for the club for the regular season as well as for special events (e.g. test days, ice shows, clinics, competitions etc.)  The Chair is responsible for reviewing all facilities contacts to ensure correctness and approving them prior to requesting payment from the Treasurer.  The Chair attends all board meetings and provides regular reports to the board, and assists with other club duties as assigned by the President. 

Coach Representative - The role of the Coach Representative is to act as the liaison between the board and the club’s coaching staff.  The Coach attends all board meetings and coordinates all coaching activities for the club.  The Coach participates in all club planning activities and serves as a regular committee member for all special event committees (test days, competitions, ice show) to assist with planning.

Skater Development Fund - The role of the Skater Development Fund (SDF) Chair is to organize fund raising events and activities for the fund members.  The Chair attends all board meetings, keeps track of participation at all fund events, reports regularly to the board, reports regularly to the fund participants and manages the fund credits and distributions.  The Chair also participates in other club activities as assigned.

Director at Large Positions - Director’s at large are responsible for attending all Board meetings and assisting with whatever tasks they are assigned by the President. These directors may be assigned to Chair Special Events and or other Board Committees as required

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